The Advantages of Playing Chess

The Advantages of Playing Chess post thumbnail image

Chess is one of the most popular games in the world where the competitors square it on the board. Chess is usually referred to as the game of the kings whereby two different kingdoms battle head to head to control various resources.

People who play chess are typically excellent in predicting future outcomes and in developing strategy. If you are looking for a perfect game that will sharpen your brain, then the game is chess. This read looks at some of the benefits of playing chess.

Raises your IQ

chess game on One of the advantages of playing chess is that it increases your intelligent quotient. Chess is viewed as a game of intellectuals because it requires thinker to think about three or four steps ahead. This explains why many smart people usually gravitate towards playing this game.

Studies have shown that moving various pieces on the chess board helps in improving the intelligent quotient of a person. If you want your child to do well in school, then it is a high time that you introduce her to the game of kings.

Prevents Alzheimer’s

The brain, just like the other muscles in our body requires exercises to be free from injury and to be healthy.  Recent research on the same revealed that people who get involved in chess and other games that need them to think are less likely to suffer from the conditions like dementia. People who play chess are less likely to suffer from the Alzheimer’s disease as compared to those who do not.

Exercises Both Sides of the Brain

It has been established that human beings only use one side of the brain. However, people who are referred to as geniuses make use of both sides of their minds. If you want to exercise both sides of your brain, then it is a high time that you started playing chess. The manner in which the people who are used to chess react to geometric shapes is entirely different from those who do not play chess. They tend to digest information faster than those who do not.

Improves Problem Solving Skills

king piece on a chess board Playing chess helps individuals to enhance their problem-solving skills. When you play chess, you will realize that it is a complex problem that needs a solution.

As a player, you have to develop strategies on how you will protect your kingdom even as you conquer the other territory. It gives you an opportunity to develop an attack and defensive mechanism which is critical when it comes to the solving of various issues.




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